Used to prepare random cracks for resealing with joint sealant material.
Premium Black (P) .275" diamond depth
C56PM (Hard to Medium Aggregate), C60PM (Soft Aggregate)
G64DWPM (Hard to Medium Aggregate), G606DWPM (Soft Aggregate)
All crack saw blades can be either laser welded or silver brazed upon request. Undercut protection may be added to any random crack saw blade. Please consult the factory for these options.
Part #'s and its respective CAT #'s where applicable, CCP05375:73359 CCP05250:91016 CCP05500:68060 CCP06500:36865 CCP06375:22938 CCP06250:12010 CCP07500:45631 CCP07250:07301 CCP07375:06456 CCP08250:13811 CCP08500:07318 CCP08375:04058